For every 10 sales of Puresip Straw, we give 1 to people in need. At the end of every month we plan to put out an email and blog post detailing exactly how many were sent and where they were sent to so that you have trust in us doing the right thing.
At Nuveezy, we believe everyone deserves equitable access to safe drinking water. We design beautiful, simple, and functional products that provide the highest protection from unsafe water based on where and how they will be used. We also take our responsibility to people and planet seriously. For every product sold, a child in need receives access to safe water for an entire year. We have been partners in the fight for the eradication of Guinea worm for 25 years, and we actively respond to emergencies across the globe. We are Climate Neutral Certified and from product to packaging, we measure and minimize our environmental impact. We strive to support underrepresented communities through our actions, our products, our marketing and our communications. We live, work and create with impact in mind. We fight for good and always err on the side of action.
For every 500 products we sell, we distribute a Nuveezy Community purifier to a school in need which provides safe water to 100 school children for a period of five years. Put another way, one purchase of any PuresipStraw product provides a year of safe water to a child in need, five purchases provide that child with safe water for the next five years. Read more below about how we do so much more than just provide water purifiers.
Nuveezy is active in supporting access to safe water across the globe from it’s over 25 years of partnership with the Carter Center for Guinea worm eradication, to annual disaster and emergency response work, to supporting local partners in the US and across the globe with providing access to safe water.
Environmental Responsibility
At Nuveezy, we recognize the undeniable intersection between the impact that we as a company have on the climate, the disproportionate impact that climate change has on many of the communities that we support, and our responsibility to protect and advocate for a healthier planet. We strive to create products from sustainable materials that offer healthy alternatives to more wasteful options such as single-use plastics. We are a Climate Neutral Certified Brand, measuring and offsetting our annual greenhouse gas emissions